Sunday, January 17, 2010


Anyone who meets a testing challenge head-on and manages to stick it out is mighty fortunate. For such persons loyally in love with God, the reward is life and more life.James 1:12

I can remember thinking once I got out of high school, life would be easy…no more difficulties. Then it was once I get out of college, then once I get married, then once I get out of PT school and get a job. I even thought life would get easier after I had kids! Sadly, I still prescribe to this way of thinking. You’ve probably said it before…once I get past the toddler age. Why haven’t we learned our lesson?

Life is full of difficulties. Earlier in James 1:2, he does not say if we face trials, but when. You’ve probably all heard that sermon before. But seriously, God has a purpose for our trials and testing. We are becoming a pearl if we can persevere. The grit and the grime of life are actually polishing us. Think about the older women in your life. My Big Mama is an amazing Christian woman who shines with the glow of Christ’s love. I want to be her one day.

And an even greater reward than having the beauty of a pearl is eternal life. The NIV version says that if we persevere we receive the crown of life, which my commentary believes is eternal life. We don’t have to be perfect, only do our best while here on earth to enjoy a blissful rest after this life is over.

The author mentions making plans to help us when tough times come along. I have trouble thinking past next week, but you never know what life will bring next week. Just be sure not to get carried away in all of the planning and forget that God is in control. He gives the flowers beautiful clothes and gives the birds food to eat, so even more He will take care of us as His masterpiece creation.

By the way, please be in prayer for me as I prepare for an Angel Touch meeting on January 26th. I will meet with volunteers and organize the ministry to families who have lost a child. I am actually following through on one of the goals I set in an earlier blog…how are your goals coming?

1 comment:

  1. Heather - thank you again for your powerful insight. I hope that your meeting for an Angel Touch went well - please do share with us how it went.
    Heather, You are right in saying that it's not a matter of if we face trials or difficulties but when. Our reflection notes that we do not have a study guide for these difficulities but I disagree... we do have a study guide, it's the Bible and we have an actual Guide, that's God. We use his words and his ways to help us deal with and bring us through difficult situations...
