Tuesday, April 20, 2010


“In a well-furnished kitchen there are not only crystal goblets and silver platters, but waste cans and compost buckets—some containers used to serve fine meals, others to take out the garbage. Become the kind of container God can use to present any and every kind of gift to his guests for their blessing.” 2 Timothy 2:20-21

Okay, so this version is a bit of a stretch from my NIV. And I can’t say that I completely get the reference to ignorance. If you put the NIV together with this version, it makes a little more sense. It adds that you have to cleanse yourself from the garbage (ignorance) in order to “be an instrument for noble purposes, made holy, useful to the master and prepared to do good work.” Preparation really is the key to doing well with anything in life. Sure, you may be able to squeak by again and again, but will only get out of it what you put into it. I teach a 4 year old class at church. Some weeks I am exhausted and make the decision not to prepare a story or games, etc. Sometimes I luck out and am able to wing it. Typically, however, there is mass chaos in my room. The kids aren’t listening because I haven’t put forth the effort to make it fun. They are talking to each other and finding better things to get into. But when I have confidence in my activities and show them how excited I am about teaching them about a story from the Bible, it comes alive. Their parents are even pleased because they are chatting them up about the lesson, crafts, and games. They actually learned something at church.

The same goes for when we are simply the listener. Preparing your heart before a sermon or Bible study can make a big difference. Reading the material is often not on your list of priorities, but you will be so glad you did. And you can never go wrong with treating your Bible like a textbook. Learn the stories; keep the verses in your heart for future reference.

I really love the author’s idea to let your kids see you doing your homework. Oh, how kids hate homework! Make sure not to stress that homework never goes away, but how the love of learning can be a good thing. Explain that the Bible teaches you how to pass tests everyday…when making decisions about how to discipline them, how to treat other people, and how to one day get to Heaven.

So, onto another suggestion by the author…what word will my 1 year old learn tomorrow…He seems to pick up a new one every day! I’m thinking parameters (one of the author’s suggestions, which is defined as limits; boundaries) would be a good place to start! I hope you are all having a great week!

Sunday, April 11, 2010


Hatred stirs up dissension, but love covers all wrongs. Proverbs 10:12

When I was growing up, I remember my grandmother (who is also my godmother) saying that I should not use the word "hate." Knowing that my grandmother was wise and of course, out of respect, I refrained from using the word hate.

What does the word hate really mean? According to our friends at dictionary.com, hate is to dislike intensely or passionately. Such feeling must stem from Satan as our Lord, God, does not encourage such feeling instead He teaches us to love our enemies. Think about all the bad in this world from suicide bombers to kids who bully in school - and then imagine that this hate was actually covered in love... think of the lives that would be saved and the hearts that would be healed. Teach your children this love; teach your children to refrain from hatred. I know that when we get to heaven that any and all hate will be absent but it would be nice to foster love on earth. We can teach this love one person at a time, starting by being an example for our children and our families.

In your personal, professional, and family interactions do you ever come across someone who just drives you nuts?! I know that I do... and how do you react to these people and situations?Well, I know that I could stand some improvement in this area... although I may not say that I hate someone, I know that I may strongly dislike them. Instead of focusing so much negative energy around these interactions, I realize that I need to pray for these people and for the strength to show them love. Perhaps you will try the same - this week pray for those who may aggravate you. Also, try to think of the good qualities that this person (or people) possess and focus on those qualities.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010


“I’m thanking you, God, from a full heart, I’m writing the book on your wonders. I’m whistling, laughing, and jumping for joy; I’m singing your song, High God.” Psalm 9:1

I am certainly the right person to tell yall about happiness. God has really been working on the contentment of my heart lately. I have already told you that I live a charmed life. I have a great husband, a cute kid, just bought a new house, and will soon start looking for a dog to buy. It’s the American dream. Sure, Daryl and I don’t always agree on everything (house hunting was so stressful), Parker has become really clingy and whiney lately, there’s a lot of work to do on our house, and we probably don’t need to jump into puppy training right now. Wait, that sounds like two different people describing their lives.

The truth is, we all do the very same things…play up the good or the bad. Happiness is focusing on the good. I refuse to get bogged down in what I don’t have, how tired I am, or how something went terribly wrong at some point today. True joy is not something you learn in a self-help book or from your psychiatrist. It is the way you choose to look at the life God has given you. You are His child, formed in His image. He is making all the decisions in your life, and you don’t really have all the control you think you do!

Enjoy life. When your husband is complaining again, give him a passionate kiss. When your child is whining, put something silly on your head. When your home is not perfect, take a picture of something that you love and find a place for it. When you think you need a dog, go get one. Studies have really shown that they make you happier! Alright, I’m off to watch the shows I recorded last night…because they make me happy.