First thing in the morning, she dresses for work, rolls up her sleeves, eager to get started. - Proverbs 31:17
Many of you may be more familiar with Proverbs 31:17 from the NIV of the Bible as it reads, "She sets about her work vigorously; her arms are strong for her tasks." This scripture is part of The Wife of Noble Character, which is a beautiful description of a noble, hard-working, God-fearing wife and mother who is full of ambition to please the Lord and her family.
The word ambition is defined in our reading as determined, motivated, or even pushy. Do you consider yourself to be ambitious? How have your ambitions changed since becoming a mom? Perhaps as moms our ambitions focus more (or solely) on our children. When I first thought about this statement proposed in our reading, I thought that it didn't apply to me because my 17 month old is not involved in much yet but thinking again I realize that much of my energies do focus around my son. I schedule play dates, trips to the library, play spaces, etc. because I want him to have the most positive, interactive learning experiences possible -which can be tiring! Plus we all need our down time.
This reading was a pleasant reminder that God does want us to be ambitious too. We should continue to set personal and professional goals as well as daily goals. Think about one goal that you've always talked about achieving but haven't acted on yet and what can you do to work toward that goal. For me, I keep saying I want to do more with photography. I have a great camera and take decent photos but I want to get even better. Several months ago, I bought a video to familiarize myself with the camera - yet I still haven't taken the time to watch it. Watching it will be my short term goal. Perhaps next time Owen naps I will watch it instead of doing house work! I've also asked for one on one photography lessons for the holidays so I'm moving in the right direction. Use the ambition the Lord has given you to bring joy to Him and you!
Thanks, Jennifer! I did make some goals when I was reading, but have already pushed them aside thinking I am too busy. But I am about to be on my way to get a book about quilting! It is such a lost art. I have 3 quilts that my Big Mama gave me and can remember watching her fingers stitch so many beautiful quilts. She is no longer able to sew. So…I am in! My short term goal is to buy a book about quilting. Long term goal is to make a quilt (keep in mind that I have not finished the scarf I started knitting about 4 years ago!).
ReplyDeleteI need your prayers with my second goal. I have just accepted a position as the coordinator of the Angel Touch Ministry at my church. We reach out to women and families who have lost a child to miscarriage, infant death, abortion, or are dealing with infertility. My ambition is to heal hearts and bring people closer to the God who gives and takes away. The short term goal is to organize a meeting of current volunteers and those looking to get involved. Long term is to pair each woman/family at my church that experiences a loss with a volunteer who can encourage them and just be a good listener.
Wow, I am overly ambitious! But I know that God will help me reach my goals if they are a part of His plan. I encourage each of you to post your goals so we can keep each other accountable. Thanks, Jennifer, for lighting this fire!