Tuesday, April 6, 2010


“I’m thanking you, God, from a full heart, I’m writing the book on your wonders. I’m whistling, laughing, and jumping for joy; I’m singing your song, High God.” Psalm 9:1

I am certainly the right person to tell yall about happiness. God has really been working on the contentment of my heart lately. I have already told you that I live a charmed life. I have a great husband, a cute kid, just bought a new house, and will soon start looking for a dog to buy. It’s the American dream. Sure, Daryl and I don’t always agree on everything (house hunting was so stressful), Parker has become really clingy and whiney lately, there’s a lot of work to do on our house, and we probably don’t need to jump into puppy training right now. Wait, that sounds like two different people describing their lives.

The truth is, we all do the very same things…play up the good or the bad. Happiness is focusing on the good. I refuse to get bogged down in what I don’t have, how tired I am, or how something went terribly wrong at some point today. True joy is not something you learn in a self-help book or from your psychiatrist. It is the way you choose to look at the life God has given you. You are His child, formed in His image. He is making all the decisions in your life, and you don’t really have all the control you think you do!

Enjoy life. When your husband is complaining again, give him a passionate kiss. When your child is whining, put something silly on your head. When your home is not perfect, take a picture of something that you love and find a place for it. When you think you need a dog, go get one. Studies have really shown that they make you happier! Alright, I’m off to watch the shows I recorded last night…because they make me happy.

1 comment:

  1. Heather - you made many great points that really hit home with me... first, I love that you have described that Happiness is focusing on the good, which we know can be challenges at times. I've been exhausted lately because Owen has been up during the night and I'm almost 8 months prego - I realize that I haven't been focusing on the good but whining about being exhausted. I will try to change my thoughts... I also like how you have mentioned that true joy is the way you choose to look at the life God has given you - powerful statement that we should all consider. Another thought I would like to add is that it's important to surround yourself with people who are happy. I notice that I have so much more energy when I am happy and when I'm surrounded by others who are happy - the joy is contagious. Right now I hear Owen laughing away in the bathtub and I find myself sitting here smiling, enjoying his happiness!
